Hither and Thither

I’m fortunate, and feel honored, to have my work in so many places, both here in the United States and internationally. Below are some recent shots of my art that I’m thrilled to see in peoples’ homes and offices.

Jim and Gail Shaner

Shaner ReservaJim and Gail are great friends, and we each have several pieces of each others’ work in our homes. Jim is a very talented metal sculptor, and Gail creates beautiful custom jewelry. This is a shot of Jim with Reserva, a milestone birthday present from Gail, in their home in Gilbert, Arizona. Thank you Jim and Gail for your endless encouragement and friendship!

Jeff and Sheri Carter

Sheri Carter OfficeJeff was an associate of mine at Rockford back in the day, and ordered Milk Duds before I’d even had it photographed! Sheri and I share a love of Milk Duds, which I believe to be the “Best Movie Candy. Ever.” This is a shot of Milk Duds framed in Sheri’s office in Palm Desert, California. Thank you Jeff and Sheri!

Brett and Mena Farquharson

Brett OfficeWe’ve known Brett and Mena since 1994, and have an amazing friendship, although they are half a world away. Brett has Reserva framed and hung in their home lounge in Tinley Manor, and Zebras Chillaxin” in AudioMotive’s office lobby in Pietermaritzburg, both in South Africa. Thank you Brett and Mena for all you do! We just wish we lived closer.Brett and Mena Farquharson Reserva

Larry and Marilyn Covalciuc

Larry and Marilyn Covalciuc BarLarry and Marilyn have been good friends since the early 1980’s. They stopped by in late 2016 and they really liked Don Julio – Tribute to Tom so they bought the original. Larry is quite an accomplished photographer, and showed us his wonderful portfolio. It is a HUGE compliment to me to have one of my pieces in their home, and here it is framed in the bar area of their beautiful home in Omaha, Nebraska. Thank you Larry and Marilyn!

There are many more–most of which I’ve posted as I’ve received them–but I never get tired of seeing photos like these. I appreciate the encouragement and support from everyone. You keep me going!