John Driscoll

Back In the Groove

Title: Herradura
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16″ x 20″
Buy Print: ($200)
Buy Original: contact artist

It has been a while since my last blog entry, and I intend to post more frequently now that we are mostly settled into “Lazy K.” We’re gradually adapting to desert living.

I was inspired by the Superstition Mountains just outside my door, and a photograph by my friend John Driscoll, an amazing photographer, who posted one of his shots of the Superstitions. With his permission, I began to paint it. Once I began the painting, I chose to use elements of his photo rather than try to paint it exactly.

At the same time, I was working on Herradura, which I just finished (and which was a blast to paint.) I’m not done with the My Favorite Tequilas series yet. My initial goal was to paint maybe 12-15, but after completing 13 there are still a few that “need” to be painted.

I try to improve with every painting I do, and glass and reflected light are a great challenge for me. So from here on out–barring a new inspiration–it will be a mixture of Tequila still-life paintings and elements of the Sonoran Desert that we are so fortunate to live in. Please stay tuned.