My Favorite Tequilas

Los Elegantes

Title: Los Elegantes
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 22″ x 28″
Buy Print: ($310)
Buy Original: N/A

Los Elegantes is number 14 in the series “My Favorite Tequilas.” Don Julio REAL is an amazing Tequila. The packaging presentation alone will tell one that this is going to be an extraordinary experience. Coupled with an ice-cold Modelo Especial cerveza, this painting is a study in gold (according to my best critic, independent arts-and-crafts professional Patty Goberville) and was a test to capture not only shiny, but crinkly and frosty surfaces.

Back In the Groove

Title: Herradura
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16″ x 20″
Buy Print: ($200)
Buy Original: contact artist

It has been a while since my last blog entry, and I intend to post more frequently now that we are mostly settled into “Lazy K.” We’re gradually adapting to desert living.

I was inspired by the Superstition Mountains just outside my door, and a photograph by my friend John Driscoll, an amazing photographer, who posted one of his shots of the Superstitions. With his permission, I began to paint it. Once I began the painting, I chose to use elements of his photo rather than try to paint it exactly.

At the same time, I was working on Herradura, which I just finished (and which was a blast to paint.) I’m not done with the My Favorite Tequilas series yet. My initial goal was to paint maybe 12-15, but after completing 13 there are still a few that “need” to be painted.

I try to improve with every painting I do, and glass and reflected light are a great challenge for me. So from here on out–barring a new inspiration–it will be a mixture of Tequila still-life paintings and elements of the Sonoran Desert that we are so fortunate to live in. Please stay tuned.


Title: Herradura
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16″ x 20″
Buy Print: ($195)
Buy Original: contact artist

This is number 13 in my series of My Favorite Tequilas. Herradura is one of my old favorites, and in my opinion a very underrated Anejo Tequila. With three glass objects, this was a challenge and a joy to paint. What a beautiful bottle! And I love painting shiny things, especially when they are full of tequila!

My Struggle With a Certain Painting

The Three Amigos
Title: The Three Amigos
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16″ x 20″
Buy Print: ($200)
Buy Original: contact artist

My latest painting was a challenge, for a number of reasons.

The Three Amigos” (not to be confused with the brand of tequila called 3 Amigos) was far more challenging than I expected it to be when I began it. I struggled with “The Three Amigos” more than any painting I can remember. Certainly part of my struggle was due to the distractions of moving, which began at the end of August. The work was also a bear to paint because of all the Dia de los Muertos’ detail in the labels!

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The Three Amigos

Title: The Three Amigos
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16″ x 20″
Buy Print: ($195)
Buy Original: contact artist

Number 12 in the series My Favorite Tequilas, The Three Amigos depicts the añejo, reposado, and blanco varieties of Espolon juices, a fantastic tequila bargain and the winner of many awards. All of them are very smooth, and the añejo, relatively new to the family, is finished in bourbon barrels, giving it a distinctive flavor. The attractive bottles are another celebration of Dia de los Muerto.

Some Like It Hot!

Jerry Cave Art Prints on Display at Los Dos Molinas Mesa, ArizonaThe kind folks at Los Dos Molinos in Mesa, Arizona have re-decorated the restaurant during their summer vacation, and given me new space to display my tequila prints on the bar side. It makes sense to have my prints in the bar, where Los Dos’ many tequilas are available, and the BRILLIANT red walls are a nice backdrop for the prints.

Thank you to John and Maricella for accommodating me, and for selling Jerry Cave Art at one of the best restaurants in Arizona!