
What Exactly Does It Take?

When folks visit my website, they may or may not read the “Giclée Prints” section, and may or may not know what it takes to make a fine art giclée print. So, to illustrate how exceptional the resolution and printing is in the finished product, I’ve taken a snippet from my last painting, Crystal Head.

Crystal Head with InsetThe first image has a small, white, square on the forehead area of the skull, showing the location of the “snippet.” The second, enlarged image shows the area contained by the white square. You can easily see the texture of the canvas and my brush strokes in the enlarged image. Notice that there is absolutely no pixelization in the enlarged image. The snippet represents approximately one square inch of the actual painting, which is 432 square inches in area. If one wished to do so, the print could be enlarged to many times its normal size with no degradation of the image. Naturally, smaller prints–available by special order–can be made with no loss in quality.

Hopefully, this sheds some light on what goes into making my fine art prints, and why I am so excited about being able to offer them.

Crystal Head Snippet

Splitting Frog’s Hairs

Eric Proofing MirandaThe process of getting my own (or anyone’s) artwork to final giclėe printing is an amazing and intense process. After the work is photographed with a gazillion megapixel camera, it goes under incredible scrutiny at the next stop: the printer.

In the photo, Eric Bazarnic is checking proofs with me against the original of Miranda’s Obsession. We look for the slightest variations in color, whites, and blacks to get the most perfect match to the original as physically possible.

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Some Like It Hot!

Jerry Cave Art Prints on Display at Los Dos Molinas Mesa, ArizonaThe kind folks at Los Dos Molinos in Mesa, Arizona have re-decorated the restaurant during their summer vacation, and given me new space to display my tequila prints on the bar side. It makes sense to have my prints in the bar, where Los Dos’ many tequilas are available, and the BRILLIANT red walls are a nice backdrop for the prints.

Thank you to John and Maricella for accommodating me, and for selling Jerry Cave Art at one of the best restaurants in Arizona!